Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Things in the office.

    The 2nd bahasa Melayu class is on Thursday 27/06/13. On this day, there is a new comer student who is from Sudan. He is third-year student of Kuliyyah (faculty) of Economic and Management science. His name is Ahmad. He is a good guy. I still remember what he said that I'm 22 years old, but my face look older that the others. Then, I said that it does not matter weather your face look old or not, you still can be my friend. 
     Back to the what we have learned the class was we have to memorize and remember the object words in the office such as :-

photo of the objects in the office

  1. Jam = Clock                               2. Langsir = curtain                  
  3. pendingin udara = air contion       4. Radio = radio                          
  5. Dingding = Wall                          6. Kerusi = Chair 
  7. Tingkap = Windows                   8. Komputer riba = Laptop      
  9. Bakul = Basket                          10. Sampah = Rubbish                
  11. Lampu = Lamp                        12. Meja = Table
  13. Mesin faks = Fax Machine       14. Mesin cetak = Photo copy machine
  15. Mesin taip = typewriters           16. Kertas = paper                  
  17. Lantai = Flour                           18. Komputer = Computer          
  19. Pen = Pen

   After we have remembered all the words, we had to do some activity where our cikgu asked us to seat in a big circle then pointed one of the students and tell the number on the paper to them to answer what is the name of that thing of that number. This activity help us to get more Melayu's vocabulary.

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