Thursday, July 4, 2013

Family members


We have learned this lesson on Monday 1/7/13, but I was absent on this day. Nevertheless, I can collect a few vocabulary about family from my friend as follows :-

  1. Datuk = Grandfather
  2. Nenek = Grandmother 
  3. Ayah = Father
  4. Ibu = Mother
  5. Abang = Brother 
  6. Kakak = Sister
  7. Adik lelaki = Younger Brother
  8. Adik Perempuan = Younger Sister
  9. Adik - Beradik = Sibling
  10. Kanak - Kanak = Kid / Kids 
Moreover, we have covered how to make a sentence by using past tense, present tense, future tense as well. 

  • Past tense in Melayu called Telah  / Sudah.
Ex: Ibu telah memasak nasi
      (Mother was cooked rice)
  • Present tense in Melayu called Sedang.
Ex: Ayah sedang makan ayam goreng
    (Father is eating fried chicken)
  • Future tense in Melayu called akan.
Ex: Abang Akan pergi ke UK
     (Brother will go to UK)

All of the information above are collected from my friends. I apologize for any wrong information. 

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