Describing words
- Big = Besar Small = Kecik
- Thick = Tebal Thin = Nipis
- Low = Rendah High = Tinggi
- Clean = Bersih Dirty = Kotor
- New = Baharu Old = Lama
- Cold = Sejuk Hot = Panas
- Long = Panjang Short = Pendek
- Fat = Gemuk Thin = Kurus
- Shallow = Cetek Deep = Mendalam
- Wet = Basah Dry = Kering
- Heavy = Berat Light = Ringan
- Young = Muda Old = Tua
- Wide = Luas Narrow = Sempit
- Open = Buka Close = Tutup
- Slow = Lambat/Perlahan Fast = Pantas/Laju/Cepat
- Sick = Sakit Well = Sihat
- Loud = Kuat Soft = Lembut
- Tall = Tinggi Short = Pendek
- Dark = Gelap Bright = Terang
- Left = Kiri Right = Kanan
- Near = Dekat Far = Jauh
- Circle = Bulat
- Oval = Bujur
- Square = Empat segi sama
- Rectangular = Empat segi tepat
- Triangle = Tiga segi
- Sweet = Manis
- Sour = Masam
- Bitter = Pahit
- Salty = Masin
- foul = Busuk
- Blue = Biru
- Merah = Red
- Green = Hijau
- Yellow = Kuning
- Brown = Perang/Coklat
- Purple = Ungu
- Gray = Kelabu
- Pink = Merah jambu
- Orange = Jingga/Oren
- Gold =Emas
- Black = Hitam
- White = Putih
Tom & Jerry (The flying cat)
After we learned all the words above, our cikgu let us watched a video on Youtube which is Tom and Jerry and make the sentence according what we can see on the video.
Ex: Kucing jatuh atas pokok.
Kucing mahu makan tikus
Burung kuning sedang tidur.
Tikus perang itu sangat kecik.
Also, we had to present in the class. Here is the photos that I captured during presentation session.
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