Friday, July 5, 2013


The photo of nature

After I was absent  for the class on Monday 1/7/13, I rejoined the on Tuesday 2/7/13. On this Tuesday, we learned  about Nature where our cikgu asked to watch a music video open your eyes  of Maher Zain's song then he asked us to write down on the paper what is the nature appear in the video.
Here is the video we prefered to watch on this Tuesday class.

Open your eyes : Maher Zain

What appear in this video are as follow:-
  1. Trees = Pokok - Pokok
  2. Leaf = Daun
  3. Cloud = Awan
  4. Sky = Langit
  5. Earth = Bumi
  6. Moon = Bulan
  7. Sun = Matahari
  8. Bird = Burung
  9. Mountain = Gunung
  10. Sea = Laut
  11. River = Sungai
  12. Rainbow = Pelangi
  13. Waterfall = Air terjun
  14. Forest = Hutan
  15. Snow = Salji
  16. Cave = Gua
  17. Desert = Padang Pasir
  18. Stone = Batu
  19. Cactus = Kaktas
  20. Flower = Bunga
  21. Light = Cahaya 
  22. Grass = Rumput
  23. Star = Bingtang
  24. Animal = Binatang
  25. Bush = Belukar
  26. Water = Air
  27. Fetus = Janin
  28. Field = Padang
  29. Beach = Pantai
In addition, we also learned how to make sentence using verb such as walk, fly, see, go and link to the previous lesson which is Family.
Ex:  - Abang pergi ke sungai 
        (Brother go to the river)
       - Burung sedang terbang di langit
        ( Bird is flying in the sky )
At the same time, our cikgu also covered about preposition of melayu Language.
Here it is : At = Di
                On = Atas
                In = Dalam 
                Inside = Di dalam 
                Out side = Di luar
                Below = Bawah 
                Above = Di atas
                To = Ke
                From = Dari 
                There = Di sana
                Here = Di sini

Those are the lesson that we have learned on Tuesday 2/7/13


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