Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Activities on Thursday 25/07/13

On this day, we have 2 activities which are in class activity and outdoor activity. The activity in the class is acting where our cikgu give us the conversation text between shopkeeper and buyer then we had to memorize it and acting in the class. Here is the vdo.

The outdoor activity is arranging the sentence. Our cikgu asked us to write the word on leaf which is two leaves per each student and one student would get the different word.

Mengenalkan diri.

On Wednesday 24/07/13,  our cikgu asked us to practice on introduce ourself  in bahasa Melayu. it is difficult for international students to be honest. Nevertheless, we can do it even it is not a perfect as Malay people. what we learn and practice in the class is :-

  1. Nama saya ...............
  2. Saya dari ......................
  3. Saya berumur.....................
  4. Saya ada ........... orang abang dan ............ orang kakak.
  5. Saya suka ......................
  6. Saya ada ................ kawan, nama ....................
  7. Saya belajar di universiti ............................
My turn to introduce my self

Sunday, July 28, 2013

The day after mid term paper.

On monday 22/07/13, we had mid term paper., so we did not have any lesson or any activity in the class. But on the next day which is Tuesday we had activity in the class where our cikgu gave us the picture of basic dialog and wrote it down on the paper and acting based on what we have written on the paper. Here I have a video of what my group did on that day. 

I hope all of you enjoin with this video. :)

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Activity in the class.

On Thursday 18/07/13, We did not have any lesson in the class, but we had some activity that give benefit to us in term of vocabulary of Melayu language. Our cikgu let us play scrabble in the class.

Oh! I have no idea, man

That's wrong, man

Wait, I want to find the word in google

Fara : Cikgu, adakah cikgu sakit?
Cikgu: Ya, saya sakit gigi, 

Yeah, I got it.


You want to play or you want to take a photo?

Once we finish this activity, we had photo session with our cikgu.

Our cikgu become Brad Pitt on this day. LoL 

Friday, July 19, 2013

Penjodoh Bilangan dan Kata Kerja


1. Ekor 
Contoh: Saya ada satu/seekor kucing yang comel

2. Buah 
Contoh: Ayah saya menjual tiga buah rumah  

3. Helai
Contoh: abang saya membeli banyak helai baju

4. Keping
Contoh: saya menghadiah dua keping gambar 

5. Buku
Contoh: Saya membeli satu/sebuku sabun

6. Batang
Contoh: Adik saya ada batang kayu pembaris

7. Biji
Contoh: Ibu menghadiah lima biji bola kepada saya dan adik

8. Orang
Contoh: Saya ada satu / seorang kakak perempuan  

9. Gelas
Contoh: adik saya minum satu glass susu setiap pagi

10. Pinggan
Contoh: Ibu membeli dua pinggan mi goreng

11. Kuntum
Contoh: Saya membeli lima kuntum bunga ros kepada isteri

12. Jambak
Contoh: Kakak membeli sepulah jambak bunga ros di kedai

13. Pasang
Contoh: Ayah membeli dua pasang kasut Adidas untuk saya dan abang

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Greeting - Ucap Selamat

  1. Apa khabar = How are you?
  2. Khabar baik = I am fine.
  3. Terima kasih = Thank you
  4. Sama - sama = You're welcome
  5. Selamat pagi = Good morning
  6. Selamat Tengahari = Good afternoon.
  7. Selamat petang = Good evening.
  8. Selamat malam = Good night.
  9. Selamat datang = Welcome.
  10. Selamat tinggal = Farewell
  11. Selamat Jalan = Farewell
  12. Jumpa lagi = See you again
  13. Gembira jumpa anda = Nice to meet you.
  14. Selamat hari Ibu = Happy mother's day
  15. Selamat hari Ayah = Happy father's day
  16. Selamat berpuasa = Happy fasting day
  17. Selamat hari raya = Happy eid day.
After we learned about greeting, we also had to make a video according to this topic. Here it is :-

A: Assalamualaikum
B: Waalaikummussalam
A: Selamat pagi
B: Selamat pagi
A: Apa khabar?
B: Khabar baik, Bagai mana anda?
A: Khabar baik juga
B: Selamat berpuasa
A: Sama - sama
B: Kamu mahu pergi ke mana?
A: Saya mahu pergi ke pasar Ramadhan
B: Untuk apa?
A: Saya mahu pergi membeli makanan untuk berbuka puasa
B: Bulehkah saya ikut awak juga?
A: Buleh, Jom kita pergi sama - sama.  

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Angka/ Nombor ( Number)


The spelling of number in bahasa Melayu is different from English. For example: One in bahasa Melayu is Satu, Two in bahasa Melayu is Dua. The number below shows what we call in bahasa Melayu.

  1. One = Satu
  2. Two = Dua
  3. Three = Tiga
  4. Four = Empat 
  5. Five = Lima
  6. Six = Enam
  7. Seven = Tujuh
  8. Eight = Lapan
  9. Nine = Sembilan 
  10. Ten = Sepuluh
  11. Eleven = Sebelas
  12. Twelve = Dua Belas
  13. Thirteen = Tiga belas 
  14. ( 20 Twenty = Dua puluh )
  15. ( 21 Twenty one = Dua puluh satu )
  16. ( 30 Thirty = Tiga puluh )
  17. ( 40 Forty = Empat puluh ) 
  18. ( 50 Fifty = Lima puluh )
  19. ( 60 Sixty = Enam puluh )
  20. ( 70 Seventy = Tujuh puluh )
  21. ( 80 Eighty = Lapan puluh )
  22. ( 90 Ninety = Sembilan puluh )
  23. ( 100 One hundred = Satu / Se ratus )
  24. ( 1,000 One thousand = Satu / Se ribu )
  25. ( 10,000 Ten thousand = Sepuluh ribu )
  26. ( 100,000 One hundred thousand = Satu / Se ratus ribu )
  27. ( 1,000,000 Satu / Se juta ) 

    The photo of our activity

    The photo above is the activity that we did in the class where we had to draw the coin on the paper cut it to a piece then paste it on the blue paper follow the command of the teacher.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Describing words, Taste, Color, and Shape.

On Monday 8/7/13, we have covered on Describing words, Taste, Color, and Shape of bahasa Melayu.

Describing words

  1. Big = Besar                                         Small = Kecik
  2. Thick = Tebal                                      Thin = Nipis
  3. Low = Rendah                                     High = Tinggi
  4. Clean = Bersih                                     Dirty = Kotor
  5. New = Baharu                                     Old = Lama
  6. Cold = Sejuk                                       Hot = Panas 
  7. Long = Panjang                                   Short = Pendek
  8. Fat = Gemuk                                       Thin = Kurus
  9. Shallow = Cetek                                  Deep = Mendalam
  10. Wet = Basah                                        Dry = Kering
  11. Heavy = Berat                                     Light = Ringan
  12. Young = Muda                                    Old = Tua
  13. Wide = Luas                                        Narrow = Sempit
  14. Open = Buka                                       Close = Tutup
  15. Slow = Lambat/Perlahan                      Fast = Pantas/Laju/Cepat
  16. Sick = Sakit                                         Well = Sihat
  17. Loud = Kuat                                        Soft = Lembut
  18. Tall = Tinggi                                         Short = Pendek
  19. Dark = Gelap                                       Bright = Terang
  20. Left = Kiri                                            Right = Kanan
  21. Near = Dekat                                       Far = Jauh
  1. Circle = Bulat
  2. Oval = Bujur
  3. Square = Empat segi sama
  4. Rectangular = Empat segi tepat
  5. Triangle = Tiga segi
  1. Sweet = Manis
  2. Sour = Masam
  3. Bitter = Pahit
  4. Salty = Masin 
  5. foul = Busuk
  1. Blue = Biru
  2. Merah = Red
  3. Green = Hijau
  4. Yellow = Kuning
  5. Brown = Perang/Coklat
  6. Purple = Ungu
  7. Gray = Kelabu
  8. Pink = Merah jambu
  9. Orange = Jingga/Oren
  10. Gold =Emas
  11. Black = Hitam
  12. White = Putih

Tom & Jerry (The flying cat)

After we learned all the words above, our cikgu let us watched a video on Youtube which is Tom and Jerry and make the sentence according what we can see on the video. 
Ex: Kucing jatuh atas pokok.
      Kucing mahu makan tikus
      Burung kuning sedang tidur.
      Tikus perang itu sangat kecik. 
Also, we had to  present in the class. Here is the photos that I captured during presentation session.


Monday, July 8, 2013

Place(Tempat) & Building(Bangunan)

On Thursday 4/7/13, Our cikgu have given us the vocab handout about place and building.

  1. Tempat = Place
  2. Building = Bangunan
  3. Sekolah = School
  4. Balai bomba = Fire Station
  5. Universiti = University
  6. Masjid = Mosque
  7. Pusat beli belah = Shopping Comples
  8. Stesen bas = Bus station
  9. Perhentian bas = Bus stop
  10. Pasar = Market
  11. Kedai = Shop
  12. Tandas = Toilet
  13. Jalan raya = Road
  14. Rumah = House
  15. Pangsapuri / Rumah pangsa = Apartment
  16. Padang = Field
  17. Stadium = Stadiam 


Saturday, July 6, 2013

Fruit, Dress and Food.

On Wednesday 3/7/13, we have learned about vocabulary of fruits, dresses and foods where our cikgu asked to find the picture of all of them and make a slide show to present in the class.
Here are 10 vocab of each category :-

Gambar buah - buahan
 Fruits = Buah-Buahan
  1. Banana = Pisang
  2. Grape = Anggur
  3. Papaya = Nangka
  4. Watermelon = Tembikai
  5. Coconut = Kelapa
  6. Jack fruit = Nangka
  7. Manggosteen = Manggis
  8. Lemon = Limau
  9. Mango = Mangga
  10. Rose Apple = Jambu


Clothes = Pakaian
  1. Trouser = Seluar
  2. Shoes = Kasut
  3. Glove = Sarung tangan
  4. Sock = Sarung kaki
  5. Under wear = Seluar dalam
  6. Shirt = Baju
  7. Jacket = Jaket
  8. Scarf = Tudung 
  9. Eye glasses = Cermin mata
  10. Earing = anting - anting


Food = Makanan
  1. Fried Rice = Nasi Goreng
  2. Chicken Grill = Ayam bakar
  3. Beef Grill = Daging bakar
  4. Fish ball sup = Sup bola ikan
  5. Fish curry = Kari Ikan
  6. Fried Mee = Mi goreng
  7. Fried Chicken = Ayam goreng
  8. Cake = Kek
  9. Tomyam = Tomyam
  10. Fish grill = Ikan bakar 
After we done for slide show, we have have to present in the class. Here are the photos that we present our slide in the class :-

Friday, July 5, 2013


The photo of nature

After I was absent  for the class on Monday 1/7/13, I rejoined the on Tuesday 2/7/13. On this Tuesday, we learned  about Nature where our cikgu asked to watch a music video open your eyes  of Maher Zain's song then he asked us to write down on the paper what is the nature appear in the video.
Here is the video we prefered to watch on this Tuesday class.

Open your eyes : Maher Zain

What appear in this video are as follow:-
  1. Trees = Pokok - Pokok
  2. Leaf = Daun
  3. Cloud = Awan
  4. Sky = Langit
  5. Earth = Bumi
  6. Moon = Bulan
  7. Sun = Matahari
  8. Bird = Burung
  9. Mountain = Gunung
  10. Sea = Laut
  11. River = Sungai
  12. Rainbow = Pelangi
  13. Waterfall = Air terjun
  14. Forest = Hutan
  15. Snow = Salji
  16. Cave = Gua
  17. Desert = Padang Pasir
  18. Stone = Batu
  19. Cactus = Kaktas
  20. Flower = Bunga
  21. Light = Cahaya 
  22. Grass = Rumput
  23. Star = Bingtang
  24. Animal = Binatang
  25. Bush = Belukar
  26. Water = Air
  27. Fetus = Janin
  28. Field = Padang
  29. Beach = Pantai
In addition, we also learned how to make sentence using verb such as walk, fly, see, go and link to the previous lesson which is Family.
Ex:  - Abang pergi ke sungai 
        (Brother go to the river)
       - Burung sedang terbang di langit
        ( Bird is flying in the sky )
At the same time, our cikgu also covered about preposition of melayu Language.
Here it is : At = Di
                On = Atas
                In = Dalam 
                Inside = Di dalam 
                Out side = Di luar
                Below = Bawah 
                Above = Di atas
                To = Ke
                From = Dari 
                There = Di sana
                Here = Di sini

Those are the lesson that we have learned on Tuesday 2/7/13


Thursday, July 4, 2013

Family members


We have learned this lesson on Monday 1/7/13, but I was absent on this day. Nevertheless, I can collect a few vocabulary about family from my friend as follows :-

  1. Datuk = Grandfather
  2. Nenek = Grandmother 
  3. Ayah = Father
  4. Ibu = Mother
  5. Abang = Brother 
  6. Kakak = Sister
  7. Adik lelaki = Younger Brother
  8. Adik Perempuan = Younger Sister
  9. Adik - Beradik = Sibling
  10. Kanak - Kanak = Kid / Kids 
Moreover, we have covered how to make a sentence by using past tense, present tense, future tense as well. 

  • Past tense in Melayu called Telah  / Sudah.
Ex: Ibu telah memasak nasi
      (Mother was cooked rice)
  • Present tense in Melayu called Sedang.
Ex: Ayah sedang makan ayam goreng
    (Father is eating fried chicken)
  • Future tense in Melayu called akan.
Ex: Abang Akan pergi ke UK
     (Brother will go to UK)

All of the information above are collected from my friends. I apologize for any wrong information. 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Things in the kitchen.

In 27/06/13, we also learned about the things in the kitchen which we never know how to call in bahasa  Malayu before. On this day, we have learned so many things in bahasa Melayu such as periuk( pot ),
kuali (pan) and so forth. In the class, our cikgu asked to do some activity which we had to seat in group and draw the things in the kitchen then present in the class. Here are some photos of each group that we have drown on the paper :-
here we have :-
    This is the photo of group 1

1. Sudu = Spoon
2. Tong Gas = Gas cylinder
3. Periuk = Pot
4. Tualu = Towel 
5. Ketuhar = Oven

    This is the photo of group 2

1. Pembakar Roti = Toaster 
2. Dapur = Store 
3. Pengisar = Blender
4. Kuali = Pan
5. Garfu = Fork 

    This is the photo of group 3

1. Meja Makan = Dining Table
2. Peti sejuk = Fridge        
3. Papan Memotong = Cutting Board
4. Periuk nasi = Rice Cooker
5. Pinggan = Plate                                                                                                
   This is the photo of group 4

1. Cawan = Cup
2. Pisau = Knife
3. Gelas = Glass
4. Cerek = Kattle
5. Air paip = Water tap                                                                                                
 Those are the vocabulary that we have learned in the class. If you have any other words that I miss in the class please let me know by put it in the comment box. Thank you :)  

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Things in the office.

    The 2nd bahasa Melayu class is on Thursday 27/06/13. On this day, there is a new comer student who is from Sudan. He is third-year student of Kuliyyah (faculty) of Economic and Management science. His name is Ahmad. He is a good guy. I still remember what he said that I'm 22 years old, but my face look older that the others. Then, I said that it does not matter weather your face look old or not, you still can be my friend. 
     Back to the what we have learned the class was we have to memorize and remember the object words in the office such as :-

photo of the objects in the office

  1. Jam = Clock                               2. Langsir = curtain                  
  3. pendingin udara = air contion       4. Radio = radio                          
  5. Dingding = Wall                          6. Kerusi = Chair 
  7. Tingkap = Windows                   8. Komputer riba = Laptop      
  9. Bakul = Basket                          10. Sampah = Rubbish                
  11. Lampu = Lamp                        12. Meja = Table
  13. Mesin faks = Fax Machine       14. Mesin cetak = Photo copy machine
  15. Mesin taip = typewriters           16. Kertas = paper                  
  17. Lantai = Flour                           18. Komputer = Computer          
  19. Pen = Pen

   After we have remembered all the words, we had to do some activity where our cikgu asked us to seat in a big circle then pointed one of the students and tell the number on the paper to them to answer what is the name of that thing of that number. This activity help us to get more Melayu's vocabulary.

Friday, June 28, 2013

MY 1st Bahasa Melayu Class

Assalamualaikum Kawan kawan. :)
                    Nama saya Sulaiman. Saya dari Thailand. Saya dari kuliyyah Human science.

Those are the sentences that thought by my teacher. His name is cikgu(teacher) Razman. I have learned these sentences in the class on wednesday 26/06/13. The sentences are to introduce myself in front of my new classmates in the class. After me and my friends finished introduce our self, we started to learn the vocal and consonant of Melayu language.


The picture above is the handout that our teacher gave us to learn how to spell when consonant and vocal come together. For instance, B+A= ba, B+I=bi, B+U=bu, B+O=bo, B+E= be. I understand that this is the  first basic of learning bahasa Melayu. 

After that, our teacher gave us another handout which is vocabulary pictures to spell it and read it one by one until we familiar with the words. Then, he asked us to memorize those words such as almari(cubboard), Buku(book), Cawan(cup) and so on. As a international student, It is amazing to learn bahasa Melayu because I never learn this language before.
As a result,  learning it from the first basic onward will improve my bahasa Melayu better that today. :)